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Presenting: An effective method for
teaching your child to print!
CHECK IT OUT: For teaching a simplified method of printing, do not miss this 37 page booklet of information and instructions.
  • This method is designed to minimize problems in printing.
  • Memory joggers guide a child to proper, sequential letter formation using simple rules.
  • Learn Godly character qualities through printing each letter.
This method of printing is NOT the traditional "stick and ball" method which can be confusing. How does the child know just where the "ball" is to go? What end of the "stick" do you start at? Did you know that the capital letter "A" can be printed over 20 different ways?! There is really only one correct way. Your child will learn a natural and consistent way to correctly form each letter.

Mastery of two letters and a few very simple rules will give your child a solid foundation for printing and eventually, cursive writing. Each letter of the alphabet has its own character quality that the student is encouraged to develop in life through the learning of printing skills.

We developed this style in about 1980 and have used it successfully with our own children and many others.